Sovereign Fund Terrorism
Sovereign Fund Terrorism
It has been a long time coming. Greed, that special variety as championed by Gordon Gekko in this well known quote:
The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed -- for lack of a better word -- is good.
Well folks, tighten your money belts, the certain well known substance is about to hit the fan. We are being fed the pablum of the Wall Street elite and their politician lackeys: check out this revealing link General Motors and the Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of Wall Street.
What the 'masses' are not being told is the real reason for the massive Trillion Dollar plus bailout - the distinct probability that the Sovereign Funds [trillions and trillions of dollars held in state managed funds by the Chinese and the Arab Oil States - not America's top allies in the world] would have bought the United States, literally, for penny's on the dollar. This was the 'OMG' knowledge that could not be spoken by the members of Congress that attended the Paulson/Bernanke 'the end is near' meeting. The United States empire was on the brink of a Filenes Basement liquidation due to the Federal Reserve being asleep at the wheel and the Wall Street Elites greed induced myopia giving Sovereign Fund Terrorism an opening to devastate the U.S and World financial markets and most assuredly alter the course of modern history.
What's The Sovereign Individual to do? Update your knowledge at the Ludwig von Mises Institute web site, the Lew Rockwell blog, buy gold and beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.
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