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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Scientists discover new class of polymers

Scientists discover new class of polymers: "For years, polymer chemistry textbooks have stated that a whole class of little molecules called 1,2-disubstituted ethylenes could not be transformed into polymers--the stuff of which plastics and other materials are made.

[Scientists discover new class of polymers]
This photo shows an ultra-thin polymer film of fumaronitrile, which formerly was believed to be 'unpolymerizable,' on a tantalum foil. The film is circular due to the shape of the window where ultraviolet light is emitted into the vacuum chamber during the film deposition process. Photo courtesy of Lauterbach Laboratory, University of Delaware
However, the UD scientists were determined to prove the textbooks wrong. As a result of their persistence, the researchers have discovered a new class of ultra-thin polymer films with potential applications ranging from coating tiny microelectronic devices to plastic solar cells. "


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