Technology has immortality, cures for the worlds devastating diseases, quantum computing and a host of other science fiction notions in its grasp. Current trends in a number of areas indicate that over the next 10 years many of these technologies will come to fruition. "The Next 10 Years" tracks the trends that will transform our everyday lives in almost unimaginable ways.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Bilingualism delays onset of dementia - health - 12 January 2007 - New Scientist

Bilingualism delays onset of dementia - health - 12 January 2007 - New Scientist: "People who are fully bilingual and speak both languages every day for most of their lives can delay the onset of dementia by up to four years compared with those who only know one language, Canadian scientists said on Friday.

Researchers said the extra effort involved in using more than one language appeared to boost blood supply to the brain and ensure nerve connections remained healthy – two factors thought to help fight off dementia.

'We are pretty dazzled by the results,' Professor Ellen Bialystok of Toronto's York University said in a statement."


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