Technology has immortality, cures for the worlds devastating diseases, quantum computing and a host of other science fiction notions in its grasp. Current trends in a number of areas indicate that over the next 10 years many of these technologies will come to fruition. "The Next 10 Years" tracks the trends that will transform our everyday lives in almost unimaginable ways.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

JVC to market speaker that 'breathes' music: "The 'Pulsating Sphere Speaker' is covered with 11 pentagonal membranes that emit sound in all directions, unlike traditional speakers where the sound is projected forward through a single vibrating membrane.

'We plan to begin sales throughout Japan and the world in the first half of 2007,' said Akiko Sakakibara, spokeswoman for Victor Co. of Japan Ltd. (JVC), a unit of electronics giant Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. "


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