Technology has immortality, cures for the worlds devastating diseases, quantum computing and a host of other science fiction notions in its grasp. Current trends in a number of areas indicate that over the next 10 years many of these technologies will come to fruition. "The Next 10 Years" tracks the trends that will transform our everyday lives in almost unimaginable ways.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Surfaces have built-in "fingerprints" (July 2005) - News - PhysicsWeb: "The surfaces of most paper documents, plastic cards and cardboard packages contain unique 'fingerprints' that could be used to combat fraud, according to physicists in the UK. The fingerprint is contained in microscopic imperfections on the surface and can be read by a portable laser scanner. The results could eventually eliminate the need for expensive security measures -- such holograms, chips and special inks -- on passports, identity cards and pharmaceutical packaging "


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